We started life in 1987 as a support network formed by parents trying to navigate their way through the legal minefield of international parental child abduction. We registered as a charity in 1990 and over the years we have evolved and developed into an information and resource centre. In 1999 we changed our name to reunite International Child Abduction Centre and are now recognised as the leading UK charity specialising in international parental child abduction and the movement of children across international borders.
We operate the only telephone advice line in the UK offering practical, impartial advice, information and support to parents, family members and guardians who are involved in cases of international parental child abduction – including those who have had their child abducted, or who may have abducted their child.
Our advice line also provides advice, information and support to parents who fear their child may be at risk of abduction and assist and advise in international contact cases and relocation cases.
We can also offer parents a truly specialist mediation service. Parental child abduction was always believed to be too contentious an issue to benefit from mediation. However, our initial research, and subsequent practice, has shown that parents can step outside of the court process to resolve their issues and come to amicable agreements that best meet the needs of their family.
Here at reunite we are committed to raising the profile of international parental child abduction on the international stage. From speaking with parents on a daily basis we understand the realities of having to live through, and deal with, these situations. We know the difficulties parents experience and raise with the appropriate authorities, so that we can work together to improve practices for the future. We work closely with government departments, including the Ministry of Justice and the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office here in the UK, and have working relationships with lawyers, academics, police services, and other statutory and voluntary organisations across the world.